Motto Rotondo (CH) - 1 203 METERS

Nr 52

Third peak of our today's 3 summit hike (MatroCima di Medeglia, Motto Rotondo) and the 18th smallest in Ticino.


This was by far the least spectacular summit I've been on so far. This goes for views (there were others..) but also and most importantly, for the hike to reach it.

Having said that, the reason for this unspectacular path was that we basically just needed to walk down 10 minutes from Cima di Medeglia.


The peak is a "secondary summit" without an own chapter in the guide. It's mentioned in path 317 explained on page 297 of the 5th CAS Volume about the region of Ticino (Guida alle prealpi ticinesi).


In all honesty it's not really worth to be seen, it's more a quick breakout from the normal path when walking up to the "Real" Summit Cima di Medeglia. In fact, I think that this peak is only listed because from the village of Bironico and the valley (where the highway is) it's quite visible...when you're up there it's a bit's basically a small field on top of a mini-hill with a lot of trees.


Level: T2-

With Katrin